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Location  Detail
Location Massachusetts 
CFA Region Eastern 
CFA District 2 
List of Bills
Total Records: 27
Location Bill   Category Descending  Title Date
Massachusetts  MA SB 2002   Dead  State-wide legislation to ban the use of elephants management tools.  1/10/2007 
Massachusetts  MA HB 458 and SB 786   Dead  Penalties for Confinement of Farm Animals  3/1/2011 
Massachusetts  MA - SB 1706   Dead  An Act Relative to the Treatment of Elephants  10/5/2011 
Massachusetts  MA HB 1270   Dead  Provides legal protections for child performers and their families  1/22/2013 
Massachusetts  MA SB 767   Dead  Animal cruelty - allows a party of interest to bring an action against an offender  1/22/2013 
Massachusetts  MA HB 2203   Dead  Relative to amusement rides and amusement devices  1/22/2013 
Massachusetts  MA SB 849   Dead  Child labor; relates to participants in entertainment exhibitions  1/22/2013 
Massachusetts  MA SB 156   Dead  Continuing education requirements for inspectors of boilers and amusement devices  5/30/2013 
Massachusetts  MA SB 1184   Dead  An Act relative to amusement devices  5/30/2013 
Massachusetts  MA SB 1801   Dead  An Act relating to the treatment of elephants  6/22/2015 

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