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Detail News article: Circus Talk Continues in Willowick 
Date 1/21/2015 

From the 1/21/15 New Herald:

Circus talk continues in Willowick

By Amy Popik, The News-Herald

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Two ordinances, one that would ban the circus from coming to the city and another that would ban the use of bullhooks, continued to be a topic of discussion at Willowick City Council.

At a Jan. 20 regular meeting of council, the two ordinances were tabled and remained on second reading, but people both for and against the ordinances were able to express their opinions during the meeting.

It is expected that both ordinances will have a third reading and will be voted on at the next regular council meeting on Feb. 3.

There will be proposed amendments to the two ordinances that will be voted on as well.

Michael Lucas, Willowick law director, said he is working on the amendments to the ordinances.

The amendment on the first ordinance, which would prohibit a person or organization from bringing a circus or traveling show with exotic and wild animals into the city if passed, will allow for educational shows such as Jungle Terry, who uses wild and exotic animals, to not be subject to the prohibition.

The second ordinance, which would prohibit the use of a bullhook on an animal if passed, will have revisions to include a broader scope of objects, such as bats and metal rods along with bullhooks, as well as including more animals to the list rather than just elephants.

Lucas said council will need to vote on the amendments to the ordinances as well as the ordinances themselves.

Residents and surrounding community members who are for the two ordinances stated at the meeting that they have witnessed abuse at The Kelly Miller Circus, which has been coming to the city for over 10 years.

They also expressed concern for the well-being and treatment of the animals that are in the circus, and may create a petition with signatures of those who are against the circus.

Others in the audience who are against the ordinances urged council to let residents decide if they want to support the circus or not, and stated that they find the circus a fun, family tradition the city should take pride in.

Willowick Mayor Rich Bonde said at a previous meeting that he believes residents should decide on their own and the city has never seen any abuse at the circus.

“Why should local government direct the lives of our families? If they object to the circus, then they should have the choice to not go to the circus,” he said. “If enough people didn’t go to the circus, there wouldn’t be a circus. Obviously there are people who like the circus because about 1,300 of them attend every year. I’m not defending the circus, I’m defending the rights of the citizens and the ability for them to make the decision on their own.”

Council will have the two ordinances and the amendments available to view before the next meeting on the city’s website,

Council meetings are open to the public and held at Willowick City Hall, 30435 Lakeshore Blvd., at 7:30 p.m.

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