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Bill Ontario Bill 69 
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Detail Ontario (Canada) Parliament introduces legislation to ban elephant management tools 
Date 5/8/2012 

Legislation has been introduced in the Ontario Parliament (Bill 69) to ban the use of certain elephant training tools, including the elephant guide and tethers.  If this bill is passed into law, it would prevent circuses that care for elephants from visiting the province of Ontario by preventing the use of widely accepted elephant management tools.

 E-mails and letters in opposition to Bill 69 are very much needed.   The bill has been sent to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy and may have a hearing soon.  There are two ways to express your opposition to this legislation:

1.      Contact the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, William Short, and ask him to give copies of your letter or e-mail to each of the Committee members.   Mr. Short can be reached by e-mail at, or by regular mail at:

William Short, Clerk

Standing Committee on Justice Policy

99 Wellesley Street West Room 1405

Whitney Block

Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

1.      Submit comments to the Ontario Minister of Community Safety and Corrections Service, stating that you oppose legislation to ban elephant management tools.  Go to their website at and scroll down to the “My Feedback Concerns” section.  Select “Other” in both the checkbox and the drop down window, and then submit your comments in the field provided.


True animal experts know that a safe and secure environment is the only acceptable and successful method of training any animal, including elephants. Bill 69 is only directed at circuses because its supporters want to ban elephants in circuses, not protect animals. The elephant guide, sometimes called a bull hook or ankus, have been used by elephant handlers for thousands of years and is a proven and humane husbandry tool.  Elephant handlers in zoos, nature preserves and circuses throughout the world use the guide as an extension of the trainer’s arm along with a voice command.  Use of the elephant guide is approved by the International Elephant Foundation, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the Elephant Managers Association.  Moreover, the handling and treatment of elephants and other animals are already subject to the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Thank you for your help!

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