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Location Bill  Title  Date  Category
Vermont  VT HB 468  An act relating to the importation of elephants  1/5/2010  Dead
Bill Text

2009 VT H 468 AUTHOR: Lawrence
VERSION: Introduced
VERSION DATE: 01/05/2010


2010 Page 1


Introduced by Representative Lawrence of Lyndon

Referred to Committee on


Subject: Conservation; importation of wild animals; elephants

Statement of purpose: This bill proposes to allow the importation of elephants into the state for a limited duration not to exceed 30 days.

An act relating to the importation of elephants

It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:

Sec. 1. 10 V.S.A. § 4709 is amended to read:


(a) A person shall not bring into the state or possess any live wild bird or animal of any kind, unless, upon application in writing therefor, the person obtains from the commissioner a permit to do so. The importation permit may be granted under such regulations therefor as the board shall prescribe and only after the commissioner has made such investigation and inspection of the birds or animals as she or he may deem necessary. The department may dispose of unlawfully imported wildlife as it may judge best, and the state may collect treble damages from the violator of this subsection for all expenses incurred.

(b) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the commissioner or duly authorized agents of the fish and wildlife department from bringing into the state for the purpose of planting, introducing, or stocking, or from planting, introducing, or stocking in the state, any wild bird or animal.

(c) Applicants shall pay a permit fee of $100.00.

(d) The requirements of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to the importation of elephants, provided that:

(1) Prior to importation, the owner of the elephants provides the department of fish and wildlife with a certification from a licensed veterinarian issued within the previous 30 days that each elephant is in good health and free of tuberculosis;

(2) Each elephant may only be imported into the state for a limited duration not to exceed 30 days; and

(3) The person importing elephants pays the department of fish and wildlife a fee of $100.00.


This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.


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