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306 Total Bills

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Location Descending Bill   Category   Title Date
USA  US HR 3546   Dead  Big Cat Public Safety Act of 2016   9/17/2015 
USA  US S. 2541   Dead  Big Cat Public Safety Act of 2016  2/11/2016 
USA  HR 6342   Dead  Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPA)   11/29/2016 
USA  HR 1759   Dead  Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act  3/30/2017 
USA  HR 1818   Dead  Big Cat Public Safety Act  5/18/2017 
USA  HR 3792   Dead  Animal Emergency Planning Act of 2017  3/21/2018 
USA  HR 1380   Dead  Big Cat Public Safety Act  4/5/2019 
USA  US HR 1042   Dead  PREPARED Act  4/17/2019 
USA  HR 1776   Dead  Captive Primate Safety Act  3/14/2019 
USA  HR 2863   Dead  Traveling Exotic Animal Protection and Public Safety Act  5/21/2019 
UnitedKingdom  DEFRA announcement   Dead  Consultation on Circus Licensing  3/2/2012 
Texas  TX HB 629   Dead  Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.  2/14/2013 
Texas  TX HB 1015   Dead  Relating to the regulation of big cats and nonhuman primates  2/18/2013 
Texas  TX SB 1395   Dead  Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.  3/7/2013 
Texas  TX SB 1627   Dead  Relating to the regulation of big cats and nonhuman primates  3/8/2013 
Texas  TX SB 1736   Dead  Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.  3/8/2013 
Texas  TX SB 1666   Dead  Relating to the regulation of amusement rides.  5/30/2013 
Texas  Austin, TX 2014   Passed  City Council resolution against performing animals in circuses  8/5/2014 
Texas  HB 1941   Defeated  Relating to the use of certain devices to train or control the behavior of an elephant; creating a c  2/16/2021 
Texas  HB 3710   Dead  Relating to a prohibition on public contact with certain animals  3/11/2021 
Texas  HB 4049   Dead  Relating to dangerous wild animals; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense  3/11/2021 
Tennessee  TN HB 1191   Dead  Requires persons who record cruelty to livestock to immediately submit recordings to law enforcement  2/13/2013 
South Carolina  SC SB 1204   Dead  Enacts the Exotic Animal and Reptile Control and Regulation Act  2/9/2012 
Rhode Island  RI SB 2033   Dead  Prohibits ownership of alligators, crocodiles, pythons, and boas  1/11/2012 
Rhode Island  RI HB 5853   Dead  Prohibits cruel treatment of elephants (bullhook ban)  3/14/2013 

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