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221 Total Bills

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Location Bill   Category   Title Descending Date
New Jersey  NJ AB 2200   Dead  Registration/reporting requirements to prevent illegal trading in tigers  1/1/2013 
New Jersey  NJ A430   Dead  Registration and reporting requirements to prevent illegal trade of tigers.  2/17/2017 
Michigan  MI SB 658   Dead  Regarding facilities holding large carnivores  12/10/2015 
Pennsylvania  PA SB 248   Dead  Providing for the offense of using live animals in traveling exhibitions  2/17/2017 
Pennsylvania  HB 1812   Dead  providing for the offense of transporting animals in a cruel manner  8/31/2021 
Massachusetts  MA HB 1270   Dead  Provides legal protections for child performers and their families  1/22/2013 
USA  2013 Farm Bill Amendment   Dead  Protect Interstate Commerce Act  12/12/2013 
Hawaii  HI Regulation 4_71-6 HAR   Dead  Proposed rule change regarding the importation of wild animals for performance and exhibition.   1/25/2016 
North Carolina  Greeville, NC - 2017   Dead  Proposed ordinance to ban performances with exotic animals  9/15/2017 
New York  NY - Albany 2010   Dead  Proposed exotic animal ordinance, city of Albany  4/22/2010 
New York  NY - New York City 2014   Dead  Proposed City Council ordinance banning animals in circuses  2/12/2014 
Virginia  Richmond, VA - 2017   Dead  Proposed ban on exotic animal ownership  9/29/2017 
Rhode Island  Providence, RI 2015   Dead  Proposed ban on bullhooks introduced in Providence City Council  3/18/2015 
Michigan  MI - Grand Rapids 2014   Dead  Proposal to prohibit use of wild animals in entertainment  11/14/2014 
Arizona  Mohave County 2017   Dead  Proposal to ban the use of exotic animals in circuses  4/12/2017 
Nevada  Las Vegas   Dead  Proposal for Tiger Show on the Strip  1/6/2022 
Massachusetts  MA SB 490   Dead  Prohibits wild and exotic animal performances  2/17/2017 
Massachusetts  MA HB 2934   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants, big cats, primates, and bears in traveling exhibits.   3/3/2019 
Massachusetts  MA SB 2028   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants, big cats, primates, and bears in traveling exhibits.  3/3/2019 
Massachusetts  MA SB 1898   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants in traveling animal acts.  2/17/2017 
Massachusetts  MA HB 418   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants in traveling animal acts.  3/1/2017 
New York  NY AB 10171   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants in entertainment act  5/26/2016 
Rhode Island  RI HB 7604   Dead  Prohibits the use of bull hooks or similar devices on elephants  2/12/2016 
Illinois  IL SB 5758   Dead  Prohibits the use of bull hooks or similar devices on elephants  2/11/2016 
Rhode Island  RI SB 2868   Dead  Prohibits the use of bull hooks or similar devices on elephants  4/5/2016 

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