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306 Total Bills

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Location Bill   Category   Title Date
USA  US HR 1042   Dead  PREPARED Act  4/17/2019 
USA  HR 1380   Dead  Big Cat Public Safety Act  4/5/2019 
USA  HR 1776   Dead  Captive Primate Safety Act  3/14/2019 
Illinois  IL HB 2554   Dead  Traveling Animal Act  3/3/2019 
Illinois  IL SB 154   Dead  Traveling Animal Act (same as IL HB 2554)  3/3/2019 
Iowa  IA Senate Study Bill 1169   Dead  Allows permits for elephant rides  3/3/2019 
Kentucky  KY SB 200   Dead  Working Animal Protection Act  3/3/2019 
Maine  ME LD 782   Dead  Relating to animals in pulling events  3/3/2019 
Maryland  MD HB 880   Dead  Prohibiits enactment of local laws that restrict transportation of certain animals  3/3/2019 
Massachusetts  MA HB 2934   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants, big cats, primates, and bears in traveling exhibits.   3/3/2019 
Massachusetts  MA SB 2028   Dead  Prohibits the use of elephants, big cats, primates, and bears in traveling exhibits.  3/3/2019 
Missouri  MO HB 559   Dead  Working Animal Protection Act  3/3/2019 
Montana  MT HB 379   Dead  Working Animal Protection Act  3/3/2019 
Hawaii  HB 716   Dead  Prohibits the importation of dangerous wild animals for exhibition in a circus, carnival, or other l  1/18/2019 
New York  NY A 8157   Dead  To prohibit permits for wild animals and elephants in circuses  3/31/2018 
New York  NY S 273   Dead  Ban on elephant management tools (bullhooks)  3/31/2018 
New York  NY S 7718   Dead  To prohibit permits for wild animals and elephants in circuses  3/31/2018 
USA  HR 3792   Dead  Animal Emergency Planning Act of 2017  3/21/2018 
Oregon  OR - Washington County   Passed  Proposed ban on the display of exotic animals  3/15/2018 
Maryland  MD HB 618   Dead  Ban on elephants in traveling acts  2/6/2018 
New Jersey  NJ SB 1093   Passed  Ban on wild/exotic animals in traveling acts (Nosey's Law)  1/25/2018 
New Jersey  NJ A1923   Passed  Ban on elephants in traveling acts (Nosey's Law)  1/9/2018 
Virginia  Richmond, VA - 2017   Dead  Proposed ban on exotic animal ownership  9/29/2017 
Maryland  Baltimore County, MD 2017   Dead  Would Prohibit Wild or Exotic Animals for Public Entertainment or Amusement  9/15/2017 
North Carolina  Greeville, NC - 2017   Dead  Proposed ordinance to ban performances with exotic animals  9/15/2017 

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