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306 Total Bills

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Location Bill   Category Ascending   Title Date
New York  New York AB 435   Dead  Relating to amusement devices, attraction awareness and inspections.  1/8/2013 
New York  New York SB 509   Dead  Haley's Act - prohibits direct contact between a big cat and a member of the public  1/8/2013 
New Jersey  New Jersey AB 3338   Dead  Liability insurance requirement for permit to possess certain dangerous animals  1/8/2013 
New Jersey  New Jersey SB 2233   Dead  Liability insurance requirement for permit to possess certain dangerous animals  1/8/2013 
New Jersey  New Jersey ACR 163   Dead  Establishes Task Force on Illegal Trade and Inhumane Treatment of Endangered and Exotic Animals  1/8/2013 
New Jersey  New Jersey SCR 127   Dead  Establishes Task Force on the Illegal Trade and Inhumane Treatment of Endangered and Exotic Animals  1/8/2013 
Oklahoma  OK SB 178   Dead  Oklahoma Responsible Exotic Cat Ownership Act  1/11/2013 
Indiana  IN SB 477   Dead  Dangerous animals; wild animal permits  1/15/2013 
Connecticut  CT HB 5832   Dead  To make certain changes to the state's exotic pets law.  1/28/2013 
New Hampshire  NH HB 110   Dead  Requires persons who record cruelty to livestock to immediately submit recordings to law enforcement  2/1/2013 
California  CA AB 344   Dead  Relates to the employment of minors in the entertainment industry  2/13/2013 
Connecticut  CT HB 5828   Dead  Amends definition of "animal importer"  1/24/2013 
Connecticut  CT HB 6310   Dead  Animal advocates in court proceedings  1/30/2013 
Hawaii  HI SB 699   Dead  Requirements for air transport of live animals  1/24/2013 
Massachusetts  MA HB 1270   Dead  Provides legal protections for child performers and their families  1/22/2013 
Massachusetts  MA SB 767   Dead  Animal cruelty - allows a party of interest to bring an action against an offender  1/22/2013 
New York  NY AB 3154   Dead  Prohibits cruel treatment of elephants (bullhook ban)  2/1/2013 
Michigan  MI HB 4300   Dead  Possession of primates  2/21/2013 
New Jersey  NJ AB 2200   Dead  Registration/reporting requirements to prevent illegal trading in tigers  1/1/2013 
Rhode Island  RI HB 5853   Dead  Prohibits cruel treatment of elephants (bullhook ban)  3/14/2013 
Indiana  IN SB 373   Dead  Unlawful videotaping of agricultural facilites  1/8/2013 
California  CA AB 343   Dead  Requires persons who record cruelty to livestock to immediately submit recordings to law enforcement  2/13/2013 
New York  NY AB 6368   Dead  Prohibitions on circus performances  3/26/2013 
Texas  TX HB 629   Dead  Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.  2/14/2013 
Texas  TX HB 1015   Dead  Relating to the regulation of big cats and nonhuman primates  2/18/2013 

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